Adequate anchorages in Gökova Gulf, lying between Bodrum and Datça Peninsula, from Çamlı Limanı ( 36°59’24”N-28°14’53”E ) on the northwest to Gerence Koyu (36°47’54”N-27°59’28”E ) on the southwest, are included in our site. We have noted the best places to dock and anchor along with water-depth information. While sailing in the green-blue paradise, you will be the witness of these wonders standing hand in hand, allowing laced coves hosting beauties of water and land. Most of the bays indicated here, provide all-round shelter and do not get any swell in. Gökova Gulf was taken into Natioanal Preservation Programme. This campaign did not allow concrete heaps in the region. The slopes are densily wooded. Strolling among pine trees is a real delight.
I defenitely suggest not entering into the bays at night. Dangerous rocks and shallows are indicated in the Gulf by buoys but they should not be relied on. I also advise careful ploting while sailing in the Gulf.
Let me emphasize these dangerous areas:
- Isolated reefs at Çamlık Adası,
- Sea level rocks at Şehir Adaları,
- Rocky pathces around Koyun Burnu (Karamuk Kayalığı),
- Reefs at Göllü Ada,
- Sea-level rocks at Göllübük Point,
- Reefs at Boncuk Burnu,
- Kuzgun Burnu shallowness,
- Çatal Ada shallowness.
Gökova Körfezi gets crowded in summer months. Favorite destination for the Gullets from Bodrum.
Provisions are available, but we advise you to have some stock to be on the safe side. You can get most provisions in the anchorages between Çamlı Liman and Okluk Koyu. But provisions in the anchorages between Okluk and Gerence are limited. Security is well maintained. Coast Guard and Gendarme always assist whenever required. Medical services in connection with hospitals are available with efficient care.
Meteorological Facts:
Average temperature : 18.4 C
Average temperature in summer (July): 27.8 C
Average temperature in winter (January): 10.6 C
Average sea-water temp: 22 C
Winds :
Westerly blowing winds are predominant in summer., stronger breeze blows from N to NW and reaches full strength by noon time and causes choppy water, but dies off late afternoon.
Winds Directions:
Spring : South
Summer : North-Northwest/Southeast.
Autumn : Nortwest / Southwest
Winter : South
The average annual precipitation is 1190 mm, with humid weather during winter and with a dry hot summer.
311-3111-3112 Printed by Turkish Navy, Department of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography.
1055 - 1644 Admiralty.